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Selectmen's Minutes 8-19-08
Selectmen’s Meeting ~Minutes
August 19th 2008

Jim Egan brought the meeting to order and proceeded to read the announcements as printed.

Fuel Storage Permit – Jim Armstrong read the notice of hearing as printed.

Motion to go into the hearing was made by Steve Amico and Seconded by Don Howard 5-0-0 in favor

The Fire Chief discussed their inability to find the records were their reason for this hearing as the owner needs the permit to operate.  It was noted that this company has been in operation for many years and it was the opinion of the fire chief that the records had been misplaced so we needed to issue the permit.

It should be noted that a request of the audience for any abutters disclosed there were no abutters present but it was noted by Mike that they had all been notified.

Motion to come out of the hearing by Steve Amico and Seconded by Don Howard 5-0-0 in favor.

Motion to approve Fuel Storage Permit made by Steve Amico and Seconded by Don Howard 5-0-0 in favor

Town administrators report
Warrants 8/14 P7, E7, E7A -  8/21 P8, E8, & E8A

Discussion requesting applications for Vacancy for Constable

Request from Con Com to transfer a portion of PCH property (lot C) to it’s care and custody was made by Chris Colclough and seconded by Don Howard 5-0-0 in favor

Discussed invite to Hanover selectmen’s meeting for joint meeting August 21st 7:00 PM

Discussed request for board to accept gift of land for lot 12,14 & 21 on Adams Circle Motion was to table subject to additional information Made by Don Howard second by Chris Colclough 5-0-0 in favor

Discussion about the old police station, the group would meet after school starts.  The priority for the group is to establish a meeting space for the groups.  Also a request was made that Mike Finglas would get an exception from the sign bylaws for the sign to be installed in front of the police station (similar to the one at Indian Head School)

Motion to accept Election Worker Appointments as printed made by Steve Amico and seconded by Chris Colclough 5-0-0 in favor

Bob Hayes made a brief report about the opening of school.  Schools are all ready and there are 32 new employees mostly due to retirees.

Mike Finglas requested that October town meeting discussion will be tabled till next meeting.  

 Motion for One Day liquor licenses as printed made by Steve Amico and Seconded by Don Howard 5-0-0 in favor

Motion to approve regular session minutes as amended, made by Chris Colclough and seconded by Don Howard. 5-0-0 in favor

Motion to adjourn made by Steve Amico and seconded by Don Howard.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                James Armstrong,
Approved and Voted 5  - 0
                                                November 18, 2008